Bauer and Rose: Biden's Betrayal; could it be about more than just politics?


On this episode, Gary Bauer and Tom Rose dissect the troubling developments in U.S.-Israel relations. They unpack a shocking report from The Washington Post suggesting the Biden administration is using critical intelligence on Hamas leadership as a bargaining chip to halt Israeli defense operations. The conversation reveals a disturbing picture of withheld support and strategic missteps that could have dire consequences for both nations.

Later, the duo grapples with the broader implications of the administration's actions, suggesting an ideological shift that may go beyond politics as usual. They question the silence of traditional allies and the media's role in shaping the narrative, especially in light of the unprecedented arms embargo against Israel.

Also, Tom and Gary comment on the legal quagmire surrounding former President Trump, with Bauer and Rose criticizing the judicial proceedings and the stark contrast in how the media and political figures respond to different crises.

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