Retired Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin's space relics auctioned for over $8 million

The 92-year-old Aldrin said "the time felt right" to auction the keepsakes

Published: July 27, 2022 11:36am

Updated: July 27, 2022 12:39pm

The in-flight jack worn by U.S. astronaut Buzz Aldrin during his historic, 1969 trip to the moon has sold for $2.8 million at auction, the highest-selling item in a collection of his space-travel memorabilia that fetched a total $8 million.

The tele-auction was held Tuesday by Sotheby’s.

The auctioneer calling the jacket "the most valuable American space-flown artifact ever sold at auction."

Among the other artifacts up for auction was the 92-year-old Aldrin's Presidential Medal of Freedom.

The unidentified bider competed on his phone and spent 10 minutes outbidding the others. The Manhattan auction house also sold the complete Apollo flight plan summary for $819,000. 

“The time felt right to share these items with the world, which for many are symbols of a historical moment, but for me have always remained personal mementos of a life dedicated to science and exploration.” Aldrin said.

On July 20, 1969, Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were the first astronauts to walk on the moon.

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