The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Jason Greenblatt is "deeply concerned" on Biden Administration's stance with Iran and Saudi Arabia

In the March 10, 2021 Episode 43 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: Liz Harrington, Former GOP National Spokeswoman, says Donald Trump is right to challenge the Republican Party on the use of his image. 

Segment #2: Jason Greenblatt, Former White House Envoy to the Middle East says he is "deeply concerned" about the Biden Administration's stance towards Iran and Saudi Arabia. Will Israel be caught in the middle?  

Segment #3: Rick Green, Founder,, says bills like H.R.8 if passed  would, "infringe upon liberty."

Segment #4: Joel C. Rosenberg, Editor-In-Chief, All Israel News, discusses his new book, "The Beirut Protocol”.

Segment #5: David Brody brings you not one, not two, but THREE new polls for today's, "Poll of the Day", brought to you by Just The News.

Segment #6: Nicholas Ballasy, Senior Correspondent with Just The News, gives the latest headlines from the Just The News website.